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Elevate: Create Organizational Excellence

During this phase, students are provided the information and tools needed to create and ensure organizational cohesion, continuity, and high performance. Topics are designed to educate the student on creating a healthy ethos and aligning organizational dynamics.

  • The Word Behind the Words: Why Ethos Matters Most teaches the student about the cornerstone of all healthy and successful organizations, with detailed examples on creating and sustaining ethos.
  • Shared Intentionality describes how leaders build esprit, resilience, and engagement.
  • Building a Dense Web explains how the culture of the organization flows from its ethos, how leaders build vibrant work atmospheres, and the tools leaders use to infuse a winning culture throughout their organization.
  • From Turbulence to Clear Air describes the key ingredients, elements, and mechanisms to producing cohesion and unity of effort within an organization.
  • Embracing the F-Word: Uncovering Pearls of Wisdom Found in Failure guides the student through a detailed discussion on the science of failure and the art of resiliency, resulting in a new model for achieving peak performance.
  • A Super-System View introduces a new paradigm for organizational dynamics, moving away from the antiquated “industrial” construct to a more effective “non-linear” model.
  • The Six-Headed Hydra defines the modern challenges facing leaders and organizations today.  Paul Callan has created an innovative model presenting the core challenges that modern leaders must understand and master.
  • Geeks as Revolutionaries: The Power of Early Adapters presents a unique and compelling discussion of measuring performance and behavior and using the energy of dispersed power to solve persistent problems.
  • Swarm Theory describes the tools available to create influence at the core of an organization, drive innovation and ingenuity to the source of behavior, and the use of Peer Production as a powerful means for releasing group collaboration.
  • Thriving in a free-agent world describes how great organizations maintain enduring excellence, cohesion, and deep communal roots across large spans of time and in spite of constant personnel turnover and ever-shifting team demographics.
  • From The Mind of MacGyver discusses the elements of adaptation and how leaders can learn to harness innovation and ingenuity as defining habits within their organization.

Learning Objectives – Having completed the Elevation Phase, the student is now armed with effective information, knowledge, and tools to lead and build outstanding, high performing, and resilient organizations. The student is now prepared to move to the next phase … Master.

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